Latest Updates On Yemen, 22 February 2024

Thursday 22 February 2024 - 09:14

The U.S. coalition fighter jets have carried out 10 airstrikes in the past four days on the areas of Al-Jabbaneh, Al-Kadan, Al-Araj and Ras Issa in Hudaydah province.

– On February 19, the US fighter jets attacked Al-Jabbanah area.
– On February 20, the US fighter jets attacked Sardod farm in Al-Kadan area in Al-Dhaha administration.
– On February 21, the US fighter jets attacked Al-Jabbanah, Al-Araj in the northwest of Hudaydah and Ras Issa area in Al-Salif administration.

2- Shabwah:
On February 18, elements of ‘Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’ (AQAP), also known as ‘Ansar al-Sharia in Yemen’, attacked the Al-Qalaa area located in the suburbs of Al-Musayna’ah district in Shabwah province. Al-Qaeda news sources have not mentioned the results of this operation so far. It should be noted that Al-Qalaa area is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

3- Saada:
– On February 17, a Yemeni civilian was martyred due to the explosion of a bomb left over from the Saudi coalition attacks in Al-Shwaraq area in the administration of Razeh.
– On February 20, a Yemeni civilian was injured as a result of the Saudi coalition artillery attack on Al Thabit area in Qatabar administration.

4- Statements of the US military about airstrikes in Yemen:
– On February 17, between 15:00 and 20:00 (Sanaa time), the US forces carried out five attacks against three anti-ship cruise missiles, a suicide submarine and a USV. This is the first use of a suicide submarine by the Houthis (Ansar Allah) since the beginning of the conflict.
– On February 21, between 12:45 and 18:45 (Sanaa time), CENTCOM forces conducted four airstrikes against seven anti-ship cruise missiles and one anti-ship ballistic missile launcher, which were prepared to be launched towards the Red Sea. In addition, a suicide drone has also been shot down.

5- Mohammad Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council of Yemen, in response to the deployment of EU military forces to the Red Sea: “For Europeans, do not play with fire. Take a lesson from Britain. You do not need the support of the American devil to protect the occupying entity to exterminate the people of Gaza. International shipping is safe, and your presence increases the militarization of the sea, targets international shipping, and affects food supply chains for the stores of your countries. Any foolishness you commit will result in damage to your ships and navigation.”

Read more: European Union Kicks Off Naval Operation In International Waters From Red Sea To Persian Gulf!

6- Abdul Aziz Bin Habtoor, the Prime Minister of the Salvation Government of Yemen, in a television interview with Al-Mairah channel: “Until the aggression against Gaza ends, we will not negotiate and the operation in the Red Sea will not stop either. Bab al-Mandab is clearly Yemeni and our decision in this strait has legal, objective, moral and strategic grounds. We tell the world that today Yemen is the main actor. We are not in America, China and Russia, we are in our land and we are standing together with Gaza. The issue of Palestine has become the issue of all free nations and the axis of resistance has played an important role in this issue.”

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  1. Erik says:

    I am pagan. But I admire your courage and your. Your. What we would call fatalism. Your dedication to what must be. You are great men of great courage. May you live forever.