Ground Clashes In Southern Lebanon; Hezbollah Thwarts Israeli Army Infiltration Into Lebanese Territory

Monday 4 March 2024 - 18:46

Forces of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah last night and this morning thwarted the military incursion of Israeli soldiers in two axes, Ramieh and Rmaych, located in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s different statements regarding this clash are as follows:

  • Hezbollah forces, at 11:45 PM last night (local time), launched a rocket attack on Israeli soldiers who were attempting to infiltrate the Rmaych area in Lebanese territory from the Wadi Qatmoun area.
  • Hezbollah forces, at 12:15 AM Monday, attacked Golani Brigade soldiers of the Israeli regime’s army by detonating a roadside bomb at the Khirbet Ziraat border across from the village of Ramieh, followed by artillery attacks against the Israelis.
  • Hezbollah forces, at 1:30 AM Monday, targeted the Ziraat base and its surroundings with artillery fire.

After the special forces of the Israeli army’s failed attempt to carry out a security operation in the town of Ayta ash Shab on January 16, last night’s clash is considered the second attempt by Israeli forces to infiltrate Lebanese territory.

Israeli authorities have repeatedly threatened that if Hezbollah does not withdraw from southern Lebanese areas, they will launch a ground attack on areas south of the Litani River.

The possibility of an Israeli ground attack on Lebanon has been raised as a threat since the 2006 war but has never taken place for various reasons.

Overall, the continuation of conflict and intensified Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip and deep into Lebanese territory could escalate into a broader conflict on this front.

Directions of the ground conflict between Hezbollah and the Israeli army in the axis of Rmaysh and Ramieh – click to display in full size
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