Seyed Hassan Nasrallah: Israel Violated Iranian Territory By Attacking The Iranian Consulate In Damascus; Iran’s Answer Is Certain

Tuesday 9 April 2024 - 11:37

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah movement, gave a speech on the occasion of commemorating the martyrdom of General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his comrades in the terrorist attack of the Israeli regime on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

A summary of the most important parts of the speech of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, is as follows:

The attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus was the highest military attack on Iranian military advisers. Israel has launched an open war against Iranian military advisers. The [Iranian] forces in Syria are advisers, not military forces. Israel says it will hit the Iranian military forces. General Soleimani was at the head of the advisors.

It is not true to say that Iran interferes in the internal affairs of Syria. Israel has not achieved its goals by martyring Iranian advisors.

Since 1982, the aim of Iranian advisers has been to help and support the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance against the Zionists. Iranian advisers have served the resistance the most.

Israel says that the purpose of attacking and bombing Iranian advisers is to get them out of Syria. Israel has not reached its goal and Iranian advisers are determined to stay in Syria.

It is not true to say that Iran interferes in the internal affairs of Syria. Iran’s goal is to prevent Takfiris, Zionists and Americans from dominating Syria.

Israel invaded Iranian territory by attacking the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

The Iranian consulate has been targeted, and this is not just an invasion of Syria, but an invasion of Iran’s territory. The level of terror must be taken into account. General Zahedi was the commander of Iranian advisers in Syria and Lebanon, which means the attack was carried out at the highest level.

America, Israel and the whole world accepted that Iran will definitely respond. Imam Khamenei and officials of the Islamic Republic emphasized Iran’s response. Responding to Israel is Iran’s natural right; You have to wait.

General Zahedi suffered from the effects of war in all the years he was with us. General Zahedi was one of the veterans of the imposed [Iraq-Iran] war. General Zahedi’s relationship with Lebanon started in 1982. Martyr Zahedi worked with Imad Mughniyeh until 2000. After the martyrdom of Imad Mughniyeh and after speaking with General Soleimani, General Zahedi returned to Lebanon and was with us until 2014. After the martyrdom of Haj Qasim Soleimani, General Zahedi returned to Lebanon again in 2020.

The IRGC brothers and the Iranian embassy never interfere in Lebanon’s internal affairs. Their only goal is to strengthen the resistance and liberation of Palestine. Martyr Zahedi was with us for 14 years and in the most difficult conditions and times. Martyr Zahedi was the best commander, helper and adviser who strongly supported us. Martyr Zahedi did not have a public personality and did not become a media person.

Martyr Zahedi’s bravery was unique. The last time Martyr Zahedi came to Lebanon in 2020, he said, Seyed, this time I want to be a martyr. When the Al-Aqsa storm started, he wanted to be with the resistance brothers, so he was in the resistance line with the resistance brothers from the first day and from October 8. Martyr Zahedi would have been a great commander if he had stayed in Iran.

Netanyahu says we are one step away from absolute victory! Some have lost their minds and do not know what they are saying. The whole world and America itself says that Israel is defeated and must end the war. Gallant says that we destroyed Hamas and won, but after a few hours they killed a lot of people in Khan Yunis and retreated. The tactical achievement of the Israelis is killing children and women and bombing homes and hospitals.

The stupidity of the Zionists in attacking the consulate and Iran’s insistence on a response has caused the separation of Biden and Netanyahu. Joe Biden gave Netanyahu five months, but he won’t give it anymore; Time is up. Americans want to end the war. Americans started the war and they will finish the war. Israel cannot fight with Gaza and Lebanon without military equipment and weapons.

The ceasefire in Gaza is a historic defeat for Netanyahu and Israel. Even the Security Council has called for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Israel has come out of the Gaza strip and only one division is left to separate the north and south. After Joe Biden called Netanyahu, all the forces left Khan Yunis, which surprised everyone. Withdrawal from Gaza and the opening of the north and south roads has always been a condition of Hamas, that’s why some people believe that Israel withdrew to say that we did it ourselves and it has nothing to do with Hamas.

Israel has admitted that Hezbollah shot down the Hermes 450. Hermes 450 is one of Israel’s prides and sells it to different countries, but it crashed. What brought down Hermes 450? God knows, we didn’t show the Hermes 450 targeting footage. We went from hitting Hermes 450 to Hermes 900, this is a big step for Hezbollah!

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