New Anti-Islamic Laws Introduced In Tajikistan

Sunday 19 May 2024 - 07:09

In an effort to combat religious manifestations, the Parliament of Tajikistan has passed reforms that result in the prohibition of traditional visits and greetings between children during Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

According to the customs of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha in Tajikistan, children would visit the homes of relatives and neighbors to offer greetings and receive gifts. The head of Tajikistan’s State Committee for Religious Affairs (SCRA) has stated that these customs do not exist in other countries and has deemed them improper.

Some educational institutions and prosecution representatives have also obtained signatures from parents pledging not to send their children to visit during the Eid holidays.

Additionally, new restrictions have been imposed on wedding ceremonies and celebrations for Hajj pilgrims. According to these restrictions, pre- and post-pilgrimage visit ceremonies have been prohibited, and wedding ceremonies must be held with a smaller number of attendees.

Another bill passed by the parliament aims to ban the Islamic headscarf (hijab) and full Islamic dress. Recently, videos have surfaced on social media showing government authorities preventing women dressed in full Islamic clothes from entering hospitals, and demanding that they remove their national attire, threatening hefty fines of up to $300 if they refuse.

However, there have been no reports or observations of the authorities fining or reprimanding individuals wearing Western-style clothing for not adhering to the Tajik national dress code, suggesting that these actions are solely targeted at combating religious manifestations.

It is worth noting that the Tajik government’s anti-religious activities began in 2010, including banning minors from entering mosques, prohibiting Quran education in homes, banning young men from growing beards, and the presence of anti-hijab patrols in public spaces.

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