Israeli Military Forces Increase Activities in Occupied Golan; Constructing Fortifications At Alpha Line

Satellite images show that the Israeli regime’s army is constructing fortifications along the UN-supervised demilitarized zone in Syria and building defenses at the Alpha Line in the occupied Golan Heights.
Recent satellite images indicate that the Israeli regime’s army has initiated a construction project along the Alpha Line, which separates the occupied Golan Heights from Syria and is under UN oversight.
According to these satellite images, the construction of over seven and a half kilometers of road has begun in the southeast of the town of Majdal Shams, parallel to the Alpha Line, with embankments built on both sides of the road. Additionally, one side has been fenced off, and the asphalt paving procedure on part of this road has been completed.
A video released by an Israeli military source in recent days shows that the regime’s forces have approached the Alpha Line by crossing the fences. This video was released simultaneous with the new construction project of the Tel Aviv regime in the occupied Golan.
It is noteworthy that the buffer zone between the Alpha Line and the second demarcation, known as the Bravo Line, which marks the limit of where the Syrian military can operate, is the area separating Syrian forces in the Golan from the troops of the Israeli regime.
UN peacekeeping forces have two permanent bases, 44 temporary posts, and 11 observation points in the occupied Golan region and its surroundings.
Following the commencement of constructions by the Israeli regime, Spokesman for the UN peacekeeping forces Nick Birnback stated in an interview with the Associated Press that Israeli forces have entered this demilitarized zone during the project, which constitutes a violation of the ceasefire laws governing the area.

The new project of the Israeli regime has been seriously underway since late September. On October 15, the Israeli regime’s forces cleared some minefields and established new barriers in the Golan Heights and border areas with Syria. On October 11, sources close to the armed groups claimed that Israeli troops, supported by several armored vehicles, entered the town of Kudna in the Quneitra Governorate of Syria; however, a field source to IWN denied this report, stating that Israeli military forces had not entered Syrian territory and were attempting to provoke Syrian forces.
What is evident is that the activities of the Israeli regime’s army in the occupied Golan Heights and border areas with Syria have significantly increased in recent weeks compared to the past. These provocations, alongside ground operations by the Israeli military forces in southern Lebanon, have fueled speculation about the initiation of ground operations in southern Syria.
Following the rise of tensions in the occupied Golan Hights, Russian military forces have also taken steps to reduce tensions, recently establishing an observation tower in the al al-Ahmar al-Gharbi hill south of the town of Kudna in Quneitra Governorate. The Russians also increase the number of their military posts in the zone between Syria and the Israeli-occupied territories to eight.
An interesting point is the reason behind the Israeli regime’s actions, particularly the reinforcement of fortifications, including fencing and embankments at the Alpha Line in the occupied Golan. Given the fact that the Israeli regime’s claims of the presence of resistance forces in southern Syria and the potential for ground conflicts, it appears that the regime’s army is proactively strengthening its defensive positions to enhance its capabilities against possible attacks and ground confrontations in this region. Nevertheless, the extensive actions of the Tel Aviv regime in the occupied Golan Hights in recent weeks may have various apparent and hidden reasons, but what is important is that these actions should not be underestimated or taken insignificant; they could be preparations for an aggression against Syria!
