Latest Updates on Afghanistan 30 December 2018

Monday 31 December 2018 - 12:18

Latest news from Afghanistan and military situation in fronts of Farah, Daykundi and Nangarhar.

1- Daykundi:

According to local security officials, the city of Pato, Ghakhour, the northern and southern Tamzan village and most of the Stijik region has cleared from the Taliban.

Also near 30 Taliban members were killed.


2- Nangarhar:

– Ataullah Khogyani, spokesman for Nangarhar Governorate:

“During the operation of Afghan Army in Hesarak, the area where the Taliban called it “the Customs” and collected proceeds from civilian,were destroyed.

Also five Taliban members killed and three other suspects arrested.

Operation in Nazian province has been launched.”


– According to Nangarhar’s governor, over the past six months, 531 militia from different groups (ISIS, Taliban, Islam Army, Al Qaida, etc.) have surrendered to Afghan security forces.


– On Friday, as a result of the Army’s operation in Dahan Chongashi, Achin district, an ISIS commander and 16 other ISIS members have been killed.


3- Farah:

Eight Taliban members were killed in Afghan Army airstrikes in Ranj village of Khak e Sephid district, Farah province.

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