Latest Updates on Afghanistan and Pakistan 10 June 2019

Tuesday 11 June 2019 - 18:54

Latest news from Afghanistan fronts and attacks to Pakistan Army.

1- Ghazni:

Afghanistan National Army liberated Khaja Omri district from Taliban after a year.
2- Ghor:

Fuwad Andarabi a brave commander of Afghanistan Army from Herat, was martyred due to Taliban attack on Samak village in Dolat Yar district.(Image)

He commanded heavy battles in Herat, Farah, Badghis and Ghor regions.
3- Khost:

12 members and commanders of the Haqqani Network were killed during an Army operation in Sabri district.
4- Farah:

During the Taliban attacks on Afghan security forces’ post in the Pole Rigi area east of Farah, four security forces were killed and four others wounded. The security post has fallen to Taliban after the withdrawal of the security forces.
5- Sare Pol:

During a security operation in Qashqari oil field area, 10 Taliban members were killed and 16 others wounded. Also two security forces were killed and four others were wounded.

According to local sources, as long as the Taliban forces are present in Kohistanat district, Sare Pol areas are in danger.
6- Pakistan:

– The Pakistani Army announced the death of three senior officers and a soldier during a terrorist blast in Kahar Qamar of North Waziristan.

– Asif Ali Zardari, former Pakistani president was arrested for corruption charges.

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