Latest Updates on Afghanistan 4 August 2019

Monday 5 August 2019 - 17:16

Latest news from Afghanistan fronts and the Election.

1. Qandhar:
– An Afghan soldier opened fire on American soldiers in a base in Shah Wali Kut district. 2 American soldiers are killed. Some sources relate him to Taliban.
– Due to explosion of a motorbike in Spin Buldak area, 3 civilians martyred and 20 injured.
2. Nangarhar:
– ISIS media reported that 6 Taliban members are killed and 10 injured due to ISIS attacking mount Sabingar in Pachiro Agam district.
3. Latest news of presidential election:
– Atta Muhammad Nur and Yunus Qanuni left Mohammad Hanif Atmar campaign.
– Atta Muhammad Nur and Yunus Qanuni, met with Ahmad Wali Massoud brother of Ahmad Shah Massoud, who registered as a candidate. The photo showing this news.
4. Daikundy:
– Due to Taliban’s attack to two security forces stations in Pato area, 8 martyred and 18 injured.
– Taliban engaging with security forces and people’s immobilization in towns Disho and Kajran.
5. Latest news of Taliban and USA negotiation:
Taliban’s political office in Qatar stated that there will be a soon agreement between Taliban and American emissary after finalizing the details and timetable of US soldiers leaving.

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