Imran Khan met with Rouhani in Tehran

Sunday 13 October 2019 - 14:39

ISWNews Analysis Group: Imran Khan, Pakistan Prime Minister entered Tehran on Sunday and after the greetings, had a meeting with Iran’s President.

Iran and Pakistan leaders in the press conference today:
Mr. Rouhani:
– We explained the threats of Zionist regime in the region for Pakistan leader.
– Mr. PM mentioned some points regarding the security of Persian Gulf that we confirmed.
– Mr. PM emphasized that the solution is ending the war in Yemen.
– Considering his good intentions to solve the issues of the region, we help to bring back peace and stability to the region.
– We explained some leads we found regarding attack to the Iranian tanker and we will continue investigation until the incident is completely cleared.

Mr. Imran Khan:
– The main mission of my trip to Iran is that we do not want a new engagement.
– We do not want a new confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. We do not want any war between them and we believe the differences can be solved with talks.
– Our work is a a special initiative to enhance the relationship between Riyadh and Tehran but not a mediation.

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