Latest Updates on Afghanistan, 13 November 2019

Thursday 14 November 2019 - 18:39

Latest news from Afghanistan frontlines and the presidential election

1. Latest updates on presidential election:
– Gulbuddin Hekmatyar: 44% of the whole votes and 80% of Ashraf Ghani’s votes are invalid.
– Counting the votes have halted and announcing the results have been postponed again.
– Ashraf Ghani campaign demanded announcing the results.

2. Khost:
Four security forces martyred in a terrorist explosion.

3. Logar:
American fighters mistake airstrike to Khadhar area, Pole Alam town martyred three security forces and injured four others.

4. Jozjan:
Security forces operation in Darzab town against Taliban has started. The army officials reported of cleansing Darya Khaneh area.

5. Kabul:
Due to terrorist explosion of a vehicle in Qasabah area and near Department of State building, 12 civilians including three children martyred and 10 injured.

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