Israel Setting Up New Unit To Get Prepared For War On Iran!

Monday 12 June 2023 - 20:14

ISWNews Analysis Group – An Israeli media outlet has reported that the regime is planning to establish a new unit in Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations popularly known as Mossad, which is called “Unit 54”, to get prepared for a potential confrontation with Iran.

According to the report by the Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, the new unit is the result of an updated plan prepared by the Israeli army and its air force to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities and other sensitive centers.

Yedioth Ahronoth, quoting officers from this new unit, wrote that the plan is a fundamental change in thinking and planning, and that the army has been forced to do so because a war with Iran will not be similar to a war with Hezbollah or operations against the Palestinian resistance groups such as Hamas and the Islamic Jihad movements in the Gaza Strip.

The unidentified officers said that the commander of the Unit 54 and other forces analyze information from different parts of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on a daily basis, and they examine the military and training methods of the IRGC.

It has been said that there are thousands of military targets throughout Iran that Israel can attack, but Lieutenant Y, one of the members of Israel’s new unit, has been entitled to identify the most important targets inside Iran.

Generally said, the task of the unit is to collect information about the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps. The Unit 54 has 30 personnel, one-third of whom are officers, and it is being commanded by an intelligence major with the abbreviation “D”.

Another member of the unit told Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper that we analyze all parts of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (not merely the IRGC Quds Force). Iran is a large country in terms of land. What we collect and discuss has a direct impact on the ability of the Israeli army and is based on a plan, which has been drawing for years by Israel Defense Forces General Staff to turn into the basis of the military power of the Israeli army in the coming years.

The officer also stated that every day we collect more targets based on different rankings and learn the best way to hit them, we have doubled our target bank regardless of Iran’s nuclear facilities. This is different from the wars we have had in recent years, because the comprehensive military confrontation is a different story.

Yedioth Ahronoth concluded that the Unit 54, along with representatives from other intelligence units such as 8200 and 9900 as well as a little support from the United States, prepared a war intelligence plan that no one imagines it will occur.

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