Libya Is A New Victim Of Zionism

 Damir Nazarov
Author: Damir Nazarov
Saturday 23 September 2023 - 18:36

At the end of August 2023, according to the Gregorian calendar, the scandal in Libya about the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of this republic with Zionists in Italy flew around the world. Let’s try to figure out why Zionism has decided on this kind of provocation right now.

Version one. Biden’s Cold War against Netanyahu.

The current cabinet of Washington seeks to isolate the government of Bibi (nickname Netanyahu), accordingly, it was advantageous for the Democrats to show hidden contact between Libyans and Zionists in order to cause a crisis within Zionist diplomacy and thereby disrupt Netanyahu’s plans for “normalization”, if not with Libya, then with other conformist Muslim countries in general.

Version two. A provocation from Bibi.

The scandal with the Zionists coincided with renewed disagreements in the camp of the Tripoli militia and a meeting between Russian General Yevkurov and Haftar, where the Russian general assured the Libyan dictator that despite the elimination of Wagner, the Kremlin will continue to support Haftar. Therefore, a scenario is quite likely where, according to the plans of the terrorist Netanyahu, Libya will again flare up in a civil conflict, which will thereby create problems for Biden, who has concentrated all US foreign policy towards Ukraine. The chaos in Libya will disrupt the harmony between Eastern Europe and the United States, which means that the Ukrainian plan to liberate Crimea and settle the peninsula for resettlement for Zionists from occupied Palestine will drag on for decades, which is what the terrorist Bibi and his henchmen are trying to achieve.

By the way, the meeting between Mangush and Cohen was in Italy, where the local “right-wing government” openly supports the Zionists, in particular the cabinet of the terrorist Bibi. As a rule, the “right-wing” parties of Europe are mostly Trump supporters and definitely fans of right-wing Zionism, so they will continue to support Netanyahu’s actions with an anti-Biden bias.

Version three. The fight against Iranian influence.

A month before the meeting with the Zionists in Italy, Najla Mangush paid a visit to Tehran, where the parties discussed bilateral relations. There is an opinion that in addition to the economic sphere, the Iranians and Libyans are ready to open cooperation in the military direction, where the first step will be the supply of Iranian drones for Libyan revolutionaries. The fact is that Turkish Bayraktars have proven themselves well in Ukraine, and now the demand market has risen to a new level, Turkish drones are ready for delivery to rich countries in Asia and Europe, in turn, the countries of the Arab East that are in a state of civil war can no longer buy expensive Turkish UAVs, so they have to look for an alternative, which Iran is ready to become. Everyone agrees with this scenario, including Ankara. Tehran is completely satisfied with the Libyan direction, because from the very first days of the revolution against the dictatorship of Gaddafi, the Iranians provided assistance to the Libyan people, people close to the legendary Shahid Suleimani were involved in this direction. Today, given the increasing role of the Islamic Republic in the region, Tehran will only welcome the emergence of new allies, especially in the African direction.

For Iranians, cooperation with Libya is primarily ideological, money for drones is the third, and maybe the fifth reason. After all, we must understand that Iran still remains a symbol of the “Islamic Awakening” and the main side of the anti-Zionist front. Therefore, in addition to Islamic cooperation, one of the important conditions for Iran’s cooperation with the Muslim side is the fight against Zionism. This important nuance depresses the office of terrorist Bibi and his henchmen. Because in case of successful deals between Tehran and the Libyans, the Palestinian resistance in Gaza will have a new ally, this time in the Maghreb. Therefore, it would be reasonable to assume that the terrorist Netanyahu could have deliberately created a leak to the media about the meeting between Cohen and Mangush in Italy, so that a negative reaction against the government of Dbeib would follow, which, according to the Zionists, should develop into a political crisis inside Tripoli and the entire western part of the country. Another goal of the Zionists in the case of Mangush was an attempt to intimidate the Maghreb countries so that they would exclude for themselves the possibility of in-depth development of relations with Iran.

Time will tell what were the true motives of the meeting between the former Libyan Foreign Minister and the Zionists, but the Zionists failed to unleash chaos in the west of Libya, Hamas supported the Dbeibeh government, which means that all the main actors of the Ummah, in particular the Axis of Resistance, are well aware of the Zionists’ attempts to ignite the conflict in Libya with a new force.

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