New Message From Yemeni People: We Are Not Afraid Of Coalition Protecting Israeli Ships!

Saturday 23 December 2023 - 12:54

The people of Yemen have emphasized their full readiness to confront all possibilities, including direct confrontation with the US-led coalition, while emphasizing the stances taken by the leader of the Ansar Allah movement.

In the twelfth rally in support of the Palestinian people and resistance groups, the people of Yemen gathered in various cities under the control of the Ansar Allah movement, including Sanaa, Sa’ada, Al-Hudaydah, Ibb and other points of the Arab country.

The final statement of this rally underlined that the people of Yemen have long been waiting for the US and the Israeli regime to have the honor of facing the Yemenis directly.

The people of Yemen also condemned the silence of some Islamic and Arab countries regarding the crimes committed by the Israeli regime in Palestinian territories.

They once again called on their neighboring countries and states that share common borders with Palestine to open land routes for the passage of Yemeni fighters to reach the Gaza Strip.

The Yemeni people also praised the operations and heroic positions of Palestinian resistance groups as well as Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, and warned countries intend to participate openly and covertly in the US-led coalition to protect Israeli owned and linked shipping.

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