First Direct Confrontation Between US-Led Coalition, Yemeni Army In Red Sea; Three Yemeni Boats Sink

Sunday 31 December 2023 - 19:39

The terrorist army of the United States in West Asia (CENTCOM) has claimed in a statement on December 31 that there was a clash, which ended up in the destruction of some military boats of the Yemeni army in the south of the Red Sea.

According to the statement, at 6:30 am (local time in Sana’a) on Monday, December 31, the container ship Maersk Hangzhou issued its second distress call in less than 24 hours and reported that it had been attacked by four small boats belonging to the Ansar Allah movement of Yemen.

The boats fired light weapons at the Maersk Hangzhou vessel and approached the ship at a distance of 20 meters, trying to board it, but the security team of the Maersk Hangzhou entered into a confrontation with the attackers.

After the distress call from Maersk Hangzhou container ship, attack helicopters, which are stationed on the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier, were dispatched to the conflict area. According to the US army’s claim, small boats fired light weapons at the United States helicopters, and then the American helicopters, in self-defense, sank three of the four small boats and killed their crew. The fourth boat escaped from the area. No harm was done to US personnel or equipment during the confrontation.

Yemeni officials have not yet responded to the US statement or the previous statements from the US army. Yemeni officials and armed forces had previously announced that their maritime operations were aimed at bring to an end the war in the Gaza Strip and only included Israeli ships or Israel-bound vessels.

Yemeni authorities also emphasized that there is no threat to international shipping security, and US claims and actions will lead to an escalation of conflicts in the region. The formation of the US-led coalition under the name of Operation Prosperity Guardian is aimed at supporting the Israeli regime and continuing the war in the Gaza Strip. Following direct action by US helicopters against Yemeni forces, it is expected that US ships will also be added to the list of targets in the Yemeni navy.

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