Hezbollah Drone Attack Targets Israeli Army HQs In Yaara

Saturday 30 March 2024 - 18:36

Hezbollah attacked the headquarters of the Israeli army in the Yaara area located in the northwest of occupied Palestine with several suicide drones and hit them accurately.

In its drone attacks against Israel, Hezbollah uses the Mersad suicide drone (Iranian Ababil 2).

According to IWN assessment, this attack is the 22nd drone attack by Hezbollah against the Israeli army since the beginning of the war.

More than 95% of Hezbollah’s drone attacks against Israel have been successful, and Israeli forces have only managed to shoot down Ababil 2 drones in one or two cases.

The selection of targets at a short distance and the sufficient mastery of the Hezbollah drone unit have been effective in the successful execution of these attacks.

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