Another Lie From Israel: Iran Missiles Had Minimal Destructive Power!

Monday 15 April 2024 - 15:51

The Israeli regime’s army, by releasing sensational and controversial images of the alleged impact site of Iranian missiles, claimed that the missiles had minimal destructive power and did not cause any specific damage to its military infrastructure! This claim has been propagated while US sources, despite severe news censorship, have reported damage to a C-130 aircraft at the Nevatim Air Base.

An important point in the footage released by the Israeli army is that in the vicinity of the crater where the Israeli army claims Iranian missiles hit, no black hole, burning from explosive materials, or baked clay is visible, and even the loose soil is visible next to a crater! These points, along with the Israeli army’s history of concealing casualties, damages, and so on, lead any sound mind to the conclusion that this crater was dug by human and mechanical means, not Iran-made missiles!

The alleged crater made by Iranian missile in Nevatim airbase

This strange footage has been released while Israeli authorities confidently speak of a 99% success rate of their air defense systems and the destruction of Iranian missiles and drones! However, videos of Iranian missiles hitting the Ramon and Novatim airbases tell a different story; furthermore, any assessment of damage and public disclosure regarding the secretive intelligence base in the occupied Golan Heights by the Israeli government is prohibited.

Severe media censorship, the creation of artificial holes, and various prohibitions in the field of information dissemination indicate the extent to which the Israeli regime has been honest in announcing the actual damages incurred!

The video released by the Israeli army
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