Latest news of Eastern Ghouta of Damascus; Army imminent attack + map

Sunday 18 February 2018 - 15:41

Islamic World News Analysis Group; upon reaching the Syrian Army convoy led by Suheil Hassan, the great operation of eastern Ghouta will start.

From last week there were rumors of transporting Tiger forces led by Suheil Hassan to Damascus in social media which could not be proved; but finally images and clips of a vast convoy moving to Damascus and Suheil Hassan giving speech in Eastern Ghouta prove the rumors.


After the end of Army operation in east of Idlib and purging northeast region of Hama and south of Aleppo and also the establishment of Turkish forces in areas of Idlib and Aleppo governorates, the Idlib front will be cold until further.


Therefor there is an opportunity for Syrian Army to take care of other important areas such as Eastern Ghouta of Damascus. Moreover, as mentioned before, purging the areas between Aleppo, Idlib and Hama governorates freed a large part of Syrian Army who were fighting here and these troops can be used in future operations.


From two days ago vast convoys of Syrian Army including troops, heavy artillery and tanks led by Suheil Hassan move to Eastern Ghouta of Damascus and probably by better weather emerging, the biggest operation from the beginning of crisis will take place in Eastern Ghouta of Damascus.

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