Latest Updates on Libya, 12 April 2020

Latest news from the Libya’s frontlines
1. Tarhunah:
– Government of National Accord (GNA) drone have bombarded the Libyan National Army (LNA) positions in the Tarhuna area.
– The Libyan National Army downed a Bayraktar drone in Tarhunah. (pictures)
2. Tripoli
– During bombarding the Ghut al-Raman region in Tajoura, 4 were killed and 12 injured.
– The GNA forces captured the al-Yajur building in Abu Salim axis.
– The LNA artillery bombarded the Abu Salim region. During the attack, al-Khadhra hospital set on fire.
3. The LNA downed a GNA drone in the Aziziya area.
4. The GNA warplanes have bombarded the the LNA convoy between al-Arban and Bani Walid.
5. According to the Libyan local reports, Turkey will deploy 150 Syrian fighters, known as Sultan Murad, to the west of Libya.