Map: Latest Updates on Libya, 20 April 2020

Monday 20 April 2020 - 20:31

The latest news from Tripoli, Tarhunah and Sirte fronts

1. Sirte:
– The Government of National Accord (GNA) shot down a Libyan National Army (LNA) Wing Long drone (Chinese drone) in the west of Sirte in the al-Washkah region. But LNA sources have announced that this drone is belonging to Turkey and its type is TAi Anka.
– The GNA artillery bombed the LNA positions in the al-Washkah region and Sirte city.

2. Tripoli:
– The GNA and Tunisian governments agreed on reopening the Safaqas-Tripoli sea lane in the coming months.
– The GNA artillery bombed the LNA weapon depots in the Qasr ibn Ghashir.
– Due to bombardment of the southern parts of Tripoli by the LNA artillery, three persons of GNA killed and 7 other wounded.

3. Tarhunah:
– The clashes between the GNA and the LNA continue in the north and east of Tarhunah city.
With resistance of the LNA, the GNA now have been stopped in the Souq Al Jumah and suburb of Dawoun.
– The GNA warplanes bombed the al-Khadhra area.

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