Opinion: How is the relation between Afghanistan and India?

India sees Afghanistan as a trustworthy neighbor and an economical opportunity in recent years which resulted in extensive investment in Afghanistan by India under US. green light.
In recent week Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India’s FM, after meeting with Zalmay Khalilzad and American and Russian FMs talked with Mohammad Hanif Atmar (who was assigned as Afghanistan FM recently by Ashraf Ghani) regarding the bilateral relation and development of Afghanistan.
It is said that the topics covered in these meetings include USA-Taliban peace agreement, Afghan-Afghan talks and the future of India’s projects in Afghanistan.
India has invested extensively in Afghanistan in recent years, and considering Taliban’s growing power, India is concerned about its projects. India has increased its ties with Afghanistan through Iran and aerial transportation and in return pressed its old enemy, i.e., Pakistan through Afghanistan’s stance.
India considers Ashraf Ghani its old partner and considers Afghanistan a potential threat due to Taliban’s ties with Sipah-e-Sahaba and Lashkar-e-Taiba. In recent years Taliban supported attacks on Indian army by these groups, which concerns India.
Therefore, we can decode Taliban’s spokesperson words on showing interest to have relations with India. He even talked about passing a bill to condemn foreign terrorist groups.
Has Taliban revised their policies? What is India’s reaction? What is Pakistan reaction, as the main supporter of Taliban to all these? What is the effect on relations with Iran?
These are questions to be answered soon.