Latest Updates on Libya, 5 May 2020 (Map Update)
Tuesday 5 May 2020 - 13:55

Latest news from the Libya’s frontlines
1. Tripoli:
– Clashes between the GNA and the LNA continue in the Abu Salim area.
– Clashes between the GNA and the LNA continue in near the Hamza camp. The GNA forces trying to capture this base but their attempts failed so far.
2. The GNA drones struck seven LNA fuel tankers on the way to al-Qarayat area.
3. Bani Walid:
The bombing of a convoy of the National Army auxiliary forces at the Sukayrij gate, west of Bani Walid.
4. The GNA warplanes struck the Watiya airbase 20 times.
Unofficial reports claiming the withdrawal of the LNA forces from the al-Watiya airbase in northwestern Libya.
5. The LNA drone struck the GNA position in the Surman area.

Way to go!
Kick that … ass.