Latest Updates on Libya, 15 June 2020 (Map Update)

Monday 15 June 2020 - 12:02

Forces of the Khalid Bin Waleed battalion affiliated with LNA were deployed at the al-Feel oil field. These forces have been dispatched to the area for preventing GNA oil extraction.

1. Sirte:
The GNA spokesman claimed that Russian forces have mined the western regions of Sirte.

2. The joint meeting of the Russian and Turkish foreign and defense ministers in Istanbul was postponed. This meeting topics was about the latest situation in Libya and Syria.

3. Tripoli:
– GNA medical support center: during recent clashes in Tripoli, 162 civilians were killed and 562 were wounded.
– Due to the explosion of a landmine planted by LNA in the Qabayeliah region in the south of Tripoli, 3 people were wounded.

4. Wadi al-Hayat:
Forces of the Khalid Bin Waleed battalion affiliated with LNA were deployed at the al-Feel oil field. These forces have been dispatched to the area for preventing GNA oil extraction.

5. GNA military official: Our forces have captured an area of 350 km of Haftar(LNA) forces supply route, from west to south of Libya.

6. GNA announced discovering of three mass graves in Tarhounah.

7. The Turkish defense ministry has released some information about the military maneuver of this country at the Libyan coasts and the Mediterranean Sea.

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