Yemen: Latest Updates on al-Baydha Front, 13 August 2020

Thursday 13 August 2020 - 21:35

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah and popular committees continued its operations in the northwest of al-Baydha, liberating the villages of Yakla, Azla Qifa al-Mahdi, Bahran, as well as the heights of Jabal Wabrah Ramam and Jabal Rada from the control of terrorist groups al-Qaeda and ISIS.

With Ansar Allah advances in the Maheliyah district and with the liberation of mentioned areas by Ansar Allah, the extinction of al-Qaeda and ISIS in al-Baydha and southern parts of Marib is imminent.

Ansar Allah advances continue in the northwest of Baydha province and the map will be updated after confirmation of fixed regions.

Interactive map



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