Latest Updates on Marib Front, 17 September 2020 (Map Update)

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah attacks continue in various areas of the Rahbah, Jabal Murad, Al-Jubah and Al-Abadiyah districts, and the districts of Rahbah and Jabal Murad are on the verge of complete liberation.
According to the latest news from the southern fronts of Marib province, Ansar Allah and popular committees has succeeded in liberating the areas of Akbak, al-Mufla and al-Kharita. Therefore, the progress of Ansar Allah in the past few days has been stabilized in the suburbs of Al-Baydha-Marib road.
Also, Ansar Allah operations continue in the following axes: 1- South and northwest of Al-Abdiyah, 2- North and south heights of Jabal Murad district 3- On “Al-Baydha-Marib” road at the entrance of Al-Jubah district, which is marked with green arrows on the map.
The general direction and the main goal of Ansar Allah attacks are towards three axes: 1- North of Jabal Murad district 2- Al-Baydha-Marib road 3- North of Al-Abdiyah district (Ablah road)
and if progress is made in these areas, the liberation of southern Marib will be almost completed and Ansar Allah will be ready to advance to the south of the “city of Marib”. (Blue arrows)
Saudi-led coalition warplanes have bombed these fronts 26 times in the past 48 hours. In the past 48 hours, the districts of Majzar, Madghal and Sarwah have also witnessed sporadic clashes and 12 coalition airstrikes, however Ansar Allah has so far shown no movement to continue the operation in these fronts.

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