Latest Updates on Marib Front, 21 September 2020 (Map Update)

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the Ansar Allah operation in the south of Marib province, the district of al-Rahba is on the verge of complete liberation.
According to the latest news from the southern fronts of Marib, AnsarAllah managed to liberate Salil mountain after which the Saudi-led forces withdrew from the Mathrah area.
Also, after yesterday’s mistaken bombardment of Al-Washal area by the Saudi coalition warplanes, the Bani Shams tribe withdrew from the battlefields in protest against Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi-led coalition lines in the Jabal Murad district were weakened.
On the other hand, as a result of Ansar Allah’s attack on the Al-Baydha-Marib road, the Saudi-led coalition forces have withdrawn from the Rahum area, and clashes are taking place in the heights overlooking the Al-Jubah district.
Saudi-led coalition warplanes have targeted al-Rahbha more than 40 times in the past three days. This shows the importance of these areas and the heavy volume of conflicts.

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