Latest Updates on Iraq, 25 Dec 2020

Friday 25 December 2020 - 22:00

ISWNews Analysis Group: On Friday, December 25, four separate attacks targeted convoy of US forces in Iraq. Qasim al-Jabarin group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

– US President, Trump the Gambler pardoned four Blackwater security personnel who were convicted of killing 14 Iraqi civilians. The Iraqi Foreign Ministry condemned the issue and said it would pursue it through talks with the US government!

– Continuation of bombardments of northern Iraq by Turkish aircraft.

– On Friday, December 25, four separate attacks targeted convoy of US forces in Iraq. Qasim al-Jabarin group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

– Twelve ISIS terrorists were killed during an operation by Iraqi security forces near Mosul.

– Telephone conversation between Iraqi Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and Mike Pompeo.
Masrour Barzani called for the active participation of the United States and the United Nations in resolving the problems between Erbil and Baghdad.

– US President, Trump the Gambler has accused Iran of involvement in Sunday’s rocket attack on its embassy in Baghdad by releasing images of three rockets ready to fire, warning Iran about the possible killing of US troops in Iraq.

– Meeting of Barham Saleh, President of Iraq, and Faleh Fayyaz, President of the Hashad al-Shaabi Organization.

– Adel Abdul Mahdi: Martyr Soleimani had officially entered Iraq with his official name and photo with an official passport.

– News sources: The Iraqi Kurdistan Region, without coordination with the Iraqi central government, has asked the United States to deploy American forces on the border with Syria.

– The 47th Brigade of the Hashad al-Shaabi forces (PMU) prevented the infiltration of ISIS in the Jurf al-Nasr area in the north of Babil. During this operation, one of PMU forces was martyred.
This is the second time in recent days that ISIS cells have clashed with PMU forces in the area.

– The 41st Hashad al-Shaabi Brigade announced the seizure of 12 Katyusha rockets belonging to ISIS terrorists in Yathrib, Salah al-Din province.

– Iraqi forces arrested 13 terrorists and seized 46 rockets in Anbar province. The terrorists intended to target the Anbar governorate building.

– The Islamic Resistance Group of the Ashab of al-Kahf announced its readiness to defend the Asaeb Ahl al-Haq Resistance Group.

– Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi threatened the Asaeb Ahl al-Haq group with a tweet.
Mustafa al-Kadhimi wrote: “It is our responsibility to ensure the security of Iraq. We wanted peace so that the country would not move towards an absurd adventure, but we are ready for a decisive confrontation if necessary!”

– Resumption of construction of Karbala airport.
After the US terrorist army attacked Karbala airport six months ago and stopped the construction of this airport, its civil work resumed.

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