Latest Updates on Yemen, 6 February 2021

Saturday 6 February 2021 - 14:07

ISWNews Analysis Group: Khalid al-Batarfi, an al-Qaeda leader in Yemen was arrested in Mahrah province.

1- Saudi coalition air raids in the last 48 hours:
– 4 times Zaher district and once Majazah at borders of Saadah province.
– 8 times Khab and Shaaf district, Al Jawf province.
– Once Sarwah district, Marib province.

2- Al Hudaydah:
– Saudi coalition violated ceasefire in the province 298 times in the last 48 hours.
– Saudi coalition drones bombed al-Jah area 5 times.

3- UN reported that Khalid Batarfi, leader of Al Qaeda terrorist group in Yemen, was arrested and Saad Atif al-Olaqi, his deputy, was killed in October 2020 in Ghaydha town, Mahrah province.

4- Abdulqader Murtadha, head of POW exchange committee of rescue administration, reported of release of nine Ansar Allah prisoners in exchange with Mansour Hadi’s forces.

6- General Yahya al-Sari’, Yemeni Armed Forces spokesperson:
Our forces could impose a casualty of 1283 killed and wounded including 74 Saudis and 75 Sudanese mercenaries and destroyed 92 vehicles and IFVs in January. Six of enemy spy drones were shot down in this period.

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