NATO retreat from Afghanistan, this time Camp Mike Spann!
Thursday 6 May 2021 - 23:23

ISWNews Analysis Group: NATO claims to leave Camp Mike Spann to Afghanistan Army, located outskirts of Mazare Sharif city.
NATO forces left the Mike Spann military base, south of Nahre Shahi, Balkh province, to Afghanistan army in an event.
In this program, NATO commander in north of Afghanistan, symbolically left Camp Mike Spann key to general Gholam Mustafa Wardak, commander of 209th falcon corps of Afghanistan army.
Camp Mike Spann after Camp Antonik in Helmand province is the second base that foreign forces conceded to Afghanistan army. So far no details or documents have been released of these submissions and it is possible that USA and NATO are showing it off just to keep the deal with Taliban.