Mansour Hadi launch an operation to capture Baydha province

ISWNews Analysis Group: Muammar Al Rayani, minister of media of Mansour Hadi resigned government, reported of starting operation to capture the al-Baydha province from Ansar Allah movement.
The operation started on July 2 by Mansour Hadi’s troops and terrorists of Al Qaeda from Sawma’ah district, east of Baydha province.
The operation against Ansar Allah is indeed to influence Oman negotiation and will make Ansar Allah to react. One analysis is that Oman negotiation is for Saudi coalition to buy time. In fact to give some temporary points to stop Ansar Allah’s operation in Marib and Saudi coalition has enough time to set the defence line in Marib and open new fronts in Yemen. We will see Ansar Allah’s reaction.
Al-Baydha tribes are loyal allies of Ansar Allah and Muhammad al-Bukhaiti, who is a veteran commander of Ansar Allah, is the governor. Also military capabilities of Ansar Allah is much higher than Mansour Hadi’s and the operation is going to fail most probably.