Joint statement of the fourth round of strategic talk between Baghdad and Washington

Wednesday 28 July 2021 - 15:05

ISWNews Analysis Group: In the last round of strategic talk between Baghdad and Washington it was agreed that until the end of 2021 American soldiers leave Iraq entirely.

After meeting of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Iraqi PM, and Joe Biden, US president, a joint statement was issued:
US-Iraq security relation is completely transformed to training, consulting, supporting and intelligence and until 31 December 2021, no American combat troop will remain in Iraq.
Al-Kadhimi said: I am happy with the collaboration between Baghdad and Washington. Our relation has different aspects of medical-health, cultural, etc.

Biden said: US will send 500 thousand vaccines to Iraq. We are waiting for the election in Iraq. US activities will focus on training and fighting ISIS. We are loyal to our security collaboration with Iraqi government and fighting ISIS.

It is noteworthy that the strategic talks were held for three rounds before. The last round finished after Al-Kadhimi traveled to USA and met with Joe Biden.

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