Syrian President’s visit to the UAE + Images

Saturday 19 March 2022 - 09:33

ISWNews Analysis Group: On March 18, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad traveled to the UAE after 11 years and met with senior UAE officials.

Upon arrival in the UAE, Bashar al-Assad was welcomed by the Crown Prince of Dubai, followed by a meeting with Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, Ali bin Hamad Al-Shamsi, Deputy Secretary of the Supreme Council National Security and Talal Hamid Balholul Al-Falasi, Director General of the Dubai Security Service.

During the meeting, issues such as increasing bilateral cooperation in the economic and trade fields were discussed. “I hope that security and peace will be established throughout Syria,” bin Rashid said.

Foreign Minister Faisal al-Maqdad, Minister of Presidential Affairs Mansour Azzam and Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Bashar al-Jaafari accompanied Bashar al-Assad on the trip.

It is worth mentioning that on November 9, 2021, a high-ranking Emirati delegation headed by the UAE Foreign Minister arrived in the Syrian capital Damascus. “The UAE is always ready to support the Syrian people,” said UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan during a meeting with the Syrian president.

This shows that senior Emirati officials, after a decade, have concluded that continuing the previous path and hostile actions against Syria are of no use to them and that they should start a new relationship with the Syrian government.

The visit of the UAE Foreign Minister to Syria in November can be considered as the beginning of a new chapter in the various relations between the UAE and Syria.

Read more: UAE foreign minister meets Syria’s President in Damascus

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