Lajat Area and the Important Towns of Busr al-Harir and Malihat al-`Atsh in Daraa Province Liberated

Islamic World News Analysis Group: Following the Syrian Army advances in south Syria the Lajat region were liberated from militants control.
In the past days about 15 other villages were liberated in Lajat area located in Daraa and Suweida provinces and by this the Syrian army was able to liberate other villages in this area.
However, No photos or videos have published from new liberated villages but also the militants didn’t denied this advances neither.
After liberation of Lajat area, the Syrian Army focused on Busr al-Harir and Malihat al-`Atsh and the heavy clashes continued all night long in Busr al-Harir and Malihat al-`Atsh and finally by the morning this two crucial and important points were liberated in Daraa province.
With this advances, the total liberated area reached to ~400 square kilometers.
As Hawsh al-Dawahira was considered as the gateway to the eastern Ghouta and the liberation of Ghouta, Busr al-Harir and Malihat al-`Atsh are also seen as the gateway for the army’s entry into southern Syria and the liberation of the south.
Therefore, the militants strongly resisted in Busr al-Harir and Malihat al-`Atsh to prevent the collapse of the southern Front.
Clashes in these areas are intensely ongoing; there are reports of the arrival of the Syrian army into Nahita village and its liberation, which is currently not verifiable.