Israeli missile attacks on Hama and Tartus + Images

Thursday 25 August 2022 - 19:36

ISWNews Analysis Group: In a new act of aggression, the Israeli fighter jets fired a number of missiles at targets in Hama and Tartus provinces of Syria.

According to a Syrian military source, “at around 19:15 Thursday local time, the Israeli enemy attacked targets in the outskirts of Hama city and Tartus city by firing several missile from the southwest side of Tartus province. These attacks resulted in the injury of two civilians and material damages.”

It is said that one of the targets was the scientific research center in Masyaf located in Hama province. No further information has been released in this regard.

On the 23rd of August, Israeli fighter jets fired several missiles from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, west of Banias, and targeted some points in central parts of Syria.

Read more: Israeli missile attacks on Damascus and Tartus

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