Washington Post: Russia has bought Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar missiles from Iran!

Tuesday 18 October 2022 - 15:22

ISWNews Analysis Group: The US newspaper Washington Post, quoting Ukrainian and US officials claimed that Russia purchased Iranian missiles “Zolfaghar” and “Fateh-110”.

According to Washington Post, quoting the intelligence officials of one of the allied countries of Ukraine and the United States near Iran, an intelligence estimate shows that the Russian government has purchased several shipments of weapons, including Zolfaghar and Fateh-110 short-range ballistic missiles from Iran, and the arms industry of this country is preparing and delivering the first missile shipment to Russia.

Read more:
Military Knowledge: Fateh-110 Ballistic Missile
Military Knowledge: Zolfaghar Ballistic Missile

These sources pointed to Russia’s new order to Iran and claimed that Iran is allegedly prepared dozens of Shahed-136 and Mohajer-6 drones for Russia. It is also said that Iranian military advisors have visited the areas controlled by Russia and have provided instructions to the commanders of the Russian army about how to carry out operations with suicide drones.

As the war in Ukraine has been prolonged and the missile and drone reserves of the Russian army have decreased, the role of Iran in the war in Ukraine has been highlighted as one of the suppliers of Russian weapons. In this regard, Ukrainian authorities and media have claimed Iran’s arms assistance to Russia, and over the past few weeks, they have published various footages of the flying or hitting of Shahed-136 and Shahed-131 suicide drones (a smaller version of Shahed-136) in different regions of Ukraine. They also claimed to have obtained the wreckage of a Mohajer-6 drone.
Despite all these claims and footages, Iranian authorities deny Iran’s military aid to Russia and insist on Iran’s neutral position in the face of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Read more:
Russian Army Massive Drone Attack on the Capital of Ukraine
Ukrainian MiG-29 was downed while hunting the Shahed-136 drone!

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