Islah Party carry out security-intelligence operations in Marib

Monday 12 December 2022 - 16:06

ISWNews Analysis Group: The Islah Party militants with the support of the al-Qaeda elements carried out extensive security-intelligence operations in various districts of Marib.

Following the recent attacks of the US drones on the gatherings of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group and numerous explosions in the positions of the Islah party in Marib, the Islah party militants began to implement a security-intelligence operation in the city of Marib. This operation has started since Sunday, December 20, with increasing the number of checkpoints, inspecting homes and hotels, and also prosecuting the UAE-affiliated individuals.

In the initial stage of this operation, the Islah party militants arrested Saeed Al-Farwi Al-Waeli, an individual close to Lt. Gen. Saghir Bin Aziz, the army commander of the resigned government, and the Al-Yaman al-Saeed forces (affiliated to the Saudi coalition) along with a number of his companions. Folowing the arrest, they were all executed by firing squad. This event led to the anger of Saghir Bin Aziz and finally a clash broke out in Marib between his forces and the Islah party militants.

The Islah party news sources held Saeed Al-Farwi Al-Waeli responsible for the bomb attack on the gathering of military commanders and Islah party vehicles route.

There has been an increase in the movements of the Islah party in Marib and Hadhramaut provinces while the UAE-affiliated factions, including the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Tariq Saleh forces, intend to clear the positions that are under the control of this party. The Islah Party is supported by some al-Qaeda elements in Yemen and these individuals were previously transferred to Marib by the Saudi coalition to confront Ansar Allah.

A picture attributed to Saeed al-Waeli affiliated with Saghir bin Aziz
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