New border clashes between the Taliban and Pakistani Army left 24 dead and wounded + Video

Saturday 17 December 2022 - 07:43

ISWNews Analysis Group: A Pakistani civilian was killed and 23 others were injured due to exchange of fire between Taliban militants and the Pakistan border guards near the Spin Buldak-Chaman crossing.

One Pakistani civilian was killed and 15 others were injured during the conflict between Taliban militants and Pakistani border guards on the border of Shir Ab village located in Spin Buldak district in Kandahar province on December 15. The Afghan side also mentioned eight Afghan civilian wounded, including three children.

The conflict started after the border guards of Pakistan prevented the establishment of a security point by Taliban militants in Shir Ab village on the border line with Chaman area.

In response to this conflict, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan announced in a statement that until the Taliban give a firm guarantee to Islamabad that there will be no further border clashes, Pakistan’s ambassador, Obaidur Rehman Nizami, will not return to Kabul.

This is the sixth border clash between Taliban militants and Pakistan’s border guards at the Spin Buldak-Chaman border crossing. The two sides had previously clashed with each other over border issues on December 11, during which 47 soldiers and civilians from both sides were killed and injured.

Read more: 47 killed and injured in the border conflict between Taliban and the Pakistani army + video

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