47 killed and injured in the border conflict between Taliban and the Pakistani army + video

Monday 12 December 2022 - 08:07

ISWNews Analysis Group: During the armed conflict between Taliban and Pakistani army along the border of Spin Buldak city, at least 10 civilians were killed and more than 37 individuals were injured.

During the conflict on December 11, Taliban militants and the Pakistani border guards in the village of Shiro Obu, located in the town of Spin Buldak in Qandahar province, 10 Afghan and Pakistani civilians were killed and more than 37 individuals were injured. According to the local community, the conflict and exchange of fire ended after an hour and the injured were taken to the hospital. The casualties of Taliban militants and Pakistani border guards have not been announced yet.

Spin Buldak-Chaman border crossing is the second most important border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan after Torkham crossing. This is the fifth serious conflict between the Pakistani army and Taliban since the group came to power in Afghanistan.

Fire at the Spin Buldak-Chaman border crossing
The condition of the injured in Spin Buldak Hospital
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