US offers $5 million reward for leads on Abu Ayman al-Masri

Saturday 17 December 2022 - 11:36

ISWNews Analysis Group: The US Embassy in Yemen has set a 5 million dollar reward for reliable information about Ibrahim al-Banna, also known as Abu Ayman al-Masri, one of the senior members of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group.

The US Embassy in Yemen announced in a statement that it has set a five million dollar reward for reliable information about Ibrahim al-Banna, known as Abu Ayman al-Masri, one of the prominent leaders of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group.

Ibrahim al-Banna is one of the most senior leaders of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group, who, in addition to playing a key role in the establishment of this group in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), is also responsible for the security affairs of this group and provides military and security orders to the leaders and members of this group.

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is a branch of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group that began its serious activities in Yemen and Saudi Arabia in 2009. After the resignation of Ali Abdullah Saleh and the presidency of Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, this group acted in a more organized manner in Yemen and took control of some points, but Ansar Allah’s advance in taking control of the cities of Sana’a, Saada and… prevented them from advancing and Al-Qaeda was forced to move to the remote areas of Yemen, including the deserts of eastern Yemen, the north of Al-Baydha province and several other places.

AQAP has a close relationship with Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi, the former president of the resigned government, Ali Mohsen Ahmar, the former vice president of the resigned government and several other Yemeni figures.

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