Russian Failed Strike On Ukrainian Radar; Has Russia Access To Producing Russian Version Of Shahed-136?

Thursday 15 June 2023 - 17:23

In a video released from the front line of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the Ukrainian Armed Forces claimed that they destroyed two Russian Shahed-136 suicide (kamikaze) drones.

This video shows the failed attack on the Ukrainian Surveillance Radar 36D6 19Zh6 (Tin Shield) with the use of Iranian-made Geran-2 (Shahed-136) kamikaze UAVs.

In the first section of that video, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shoot at a suicide drone that hits the ground because of insufficient accuracy for unknown reasons. In the second section of the video, the second suicide drone enters and it is targeted by the Ukrainian missile system, but the missile goes astray, and the drone passes through it.

Finally, this drone also hits the ground near the Ukrainian radar location with insufficient accuracy.  The reason for this mishap may be the decrease in the accuracy of the guidance system due to using a Russian satellite navigation system operating as part of a radio navigation-satellite service dubbed GLONASS instead of using GPS, or a decrease in the quality of the components used in Russian suicide drones, and or damage to the drone due to bullet strikes.

It is said that Russian suicide drones, including Shahed drones, use the GLONASS satellite navigation system instead of GPS, and this is the main reason for their declined accuracy in hitting targets.

Based on the facts and figures, it can be said that the Russians have produced the Russia-made version of the Shahed 136 drone and they are using it extensively in the war in Ukraine. 

The second issue is that in addition to back-end operations, the Russians also use Shahed 136 suicide drones at the front line, which is another reason for the widespread assembling of the drone or high stocks of the assembled UAVs in Russia.

 It is likely that the Russians have succeeded in procuring components of the suicide drone from Iran and China, or setting up their own assembly line in their own country.

 It is worth mentioning that the Iran-made Shahed 136 drones, apart from the form of wings, do not disintegrate when hit by bullets and sometimes anti-aircraft missiles due to their low radar cross-section level and the special type of used carbon fiber in their fuselage, and the drones can continue their flights towards the target.

The unsuccessful attack of Russian drones on the Ukrainian 36D6 radar
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