Iran Leader Addresses Hamas Official: Palestine Belongs To All Muslims

Thursday 22 June 2023 - 20:22

In a meeting with the head of Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas’ political bureau Ismail Haniyeh, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei pointed out that Palestine belongs to all Muslims and all Muslims are tasked with getting involved in trying to liberate Palestine, because the issue is a religious duty.

ISWNews Analysis Group – On June 21, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said in a meeting with head of Hamas’ political bureau with Ismail Haniyeh and his accompanying delegation that the progressing movement of the Palestinians, the sense of responsibility of the young and faithful Palestinian generation as well as their individual and collective involvement in the arena of struggle are of great importance.

The Iranian Leader also emphasized that recent events in the city of Jenin and the military siege of Israeli soldiers by Palestinian youth are a clear example of the new scene and a promising future, which will lead to complete triumph for the Palestinians.

He further underlined the significance of the issue of unity and more coordination among resistance groups and said that in the recent Gaza war, we witnessed that the enemy’s effort was to create discord and division among resistance groups and it made all-out efforts to create such an atmosphere, but thanks to God, it did not succeed; therefore, more focus should be upon unity and coordination, and that the correct path should continue powerfully.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the Gaza Strip as the core of resistance and also stressed that the West Bank is the point that will bring the enemy to its knees, and that good progress has been made in this region so far. According to the Supreme Leader, who would have thought that one day Palestinian youth in Jenin would make it so difficult for the Zionist troops that they would have to use fighter jets to escape the siege of the young Palestinian fighters, but this happened a few days ago in Jenin.

He also underscored the Islamic Republic of Iran’s support for the Palestinian cause, noting that Imam Khomeini supported Palestine from the onset of the of the Islamic movement based on his belief and faith, and that the root cause of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s support for Palestine has its roots in the religious obligations and jurisprudence; so, it is not based on tactical or diplomatic moves.

Imam Khamenei also stated that Palestine belongs to all Muslims and it is a religious obligation for all Muslims to engage in the field for its liberation, because it is a religious duty.

In the meeting, the political leader of Hamas for his part presented a report on the latest developments in the occupied territories particularly in the West Bank and expressed gratitude for Iran’s ongoing support for Palestine.

Moreover, Haniyeh discussed the latest developments in the occupied territories, particularly the acceptance of the younger generation of resistance and the formation of self-sufficient armed resistance groups in the West Bank.

The Palestinian official went on to say that the current situation and the advances made by the resistance front have been unprecedented throughout the history of occupation of Palestinian lands.

Read more: Hamas Delegation Meets With Iranian President, IRGC Cmdr.

Addressing the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, he said that we emphasize in your presence that resistance groups will not retreat from even an inch of Palestinian soil and the approach of struggle and jihad will continue until the liberation of al-Quds and, God willing, with the help of the young and faithful Palestinian generation, Al-Aqsa Mosque will be liberated from the hands of the occupiers in the not-too-distant future and we will all say our prayers there along with you.

It is worth mentioning that Ismail Haniyeh had previously met with representative of the Supreme Leader and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Ali Akbar Ahmadiyan on June 19 in order to discuss regional developments and the latest political and field developments in Palestine.

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