Rocket Attack On US Base In Deir ez-Zor

Thursday 26 October 2023 - 23:13

The US military base in CONOCO gas facility in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province was targeted by a rocket attack by resistance groups.

This is the second rocket attack on the US base at CONOCO gas facility and the ninth attack against US bases in Syria in recent days.

Earlier, the US CENTCOM has announced that 24 US servicemen were injured as a result of recent attacks by the resistance axis on the United States’ military bases in Iraq and Syria.

On October 25, Biden threatened Iran and said that American bases have nothing to do with Israel. This is despite the fact that the United States is the main supporter of Israel and the main partner of Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.

Therefore, the resistance groups will continue to attack American bases until Israel’s crimes in Palestine are stopped, otherwise the scope of these attacks will increase.

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