Latest Military Developments Of Gaza And Northern Palestine, 9 November 2023 (Map)

Thursday 9 November 2023 - 22:28

On the 34th day of the fighting in Palestine, the Israeli regime occupying forces in the south and southwest of Gaza City advanced a few hundred meters along the coastline on Al-Rashid Street to the north and reached near Al-Riyashi Square.

Battles continue in the north of Gaza City in the areas of Al-Tawam, Atatrah and west Jabalia and near Sheikh Radwan and Al-Shati camp.

Also, the fighting continues in Beit Hanoun, and there has been no change in the front lines.

From this morning until this moment, al-Qassam forces destroyed at least 4 tanks, 3 armored vehicles and 1 bulldozer of the Zionist army using Al-Yasin 105 rockets in different axes of the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

In the south of the Gaza Strip and the fronts of Khan Yunis, no significant clashes has been observed.

The heavy bombing of different areas of the Gaza Strip continues. The Ministry of Health of Palestine announced that the number of martyrs in Gaza has increased to more than 10,812 people, including 4,412 children, and the number of injured has reached more than 26,905 people. In the West Bank, at least 172 Palestinians were martyred and more than 2,100 others were injured.

In the West Bank, Israeli forces raided the Jenin camp. During this attack, seven Palestinians were martyred and 13 others were injured. Palestinian fighters also detonated a roadside bomb in the path of an Israeli military vehicle. According to the published video, it seems that some of the occupants of this vehicle were killed or injured.

A roadside bomb exploded next to an Israeli military vehicle

On the northern front, artillery and missile attacks continue between Hezbollah and Israel, and no specific changes have been made in the front lines.

The Zionist army attacked the areas of Rmayish, Ramieh, Beit Leif, Kfarkala, Burj Al-Muluk, Al-Khiam, Al-Marajyoun, Yarin and Al-Jebin with artillery shells. Also, Al-Korum area on the outskirts of Mhaibib town was attacked by Israeli drones.

In response to the Israeli aggression on Lebanese soil, Hezbollah hit a military target in Shtula settlement with an ATGM missile and attacked one of the Israeli army forces in Tarbikha village on the outskirts of Shomera settlement.

Hezbollah also hit two Merkava tank with ATGM missiles which resulted in the deaths or injuries of their crews.

Areas attacked by aides – click to view full size

Another important incident today is related to the drone and missile attack on the Eilat area in the south of occupied Palestine. This afternoon, a suicide drone hit a building (probably a school) in the city of Eilat and caused material damage. Although the initial speculations indicated that this drone was launched from Yemen, but the published images of the drone’s engine show that this drone was probably shot from a closer source and not from Yemen.

Also, after this attack, the Hebrew media reported the interception and destruction of a ballistic missile in the sky of southern occupied Palestine. Hours after this incident, the Yemeni armed forces released a statement and announced that the Yemeni missile units fired several surface-to-surface ballistic missiles at targets in occupied Palestine, and despite the concealment of the Israeli regime, a number of targets were successfully hit. It should be noted that the spokesman of the Yemeni armed forces did not say anything about the drone attack today and did not take responsibility for the attack.

Read more: Latest Military Developments Of Gaza And Northern Palestine, 8 November 2023 (Map)

Military situation in the northern part of the Gaza Strip – click to view in full size
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