Ansar Allah Carries Out 12th Operation Against Israeli Positions In Occupied Palestine

Saturday 16 December 2023 - 20:11

Brigadier General Yahya Saree has announced the details of the twelfth missile and drone operation by Yemeni armed forces against Israeli positions in occupied territories of Palestine.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesperson for the Yemeni armed forces, announced in a new statement the execution of the twelfth official operation by Yemeni armed forces against Israeli positions in the occupied Umm Al-Rashrash area (Eilat) in southern occupied Palestine.

According to Brigadier General Saree, this operation was carried out with a large number of suicide drones.

At the end of this statement, the Yemeni armed forces emphasized the continuation of military operations against Israel until a complete halt to the aggression against the Gaza Strip and called on all free people of the world, especially the Islamic and Arab nations to take honorable positions regarding the Palestinian issue and to support the Islamic resistance.

This operation is the twelfth missile and drone attack by the Yemeni army against Israeli positions in occupied Palestine, especially in the city of Eilat, which is located in the southern occupied territories.

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