Another Captive Held In Gaza Strip Killed By Israeli Army

Sunday 31 December 2023 - 21:01

The Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, which is the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), announced in a statement the failure of a special operation by the Israeli regime’s army to free an Israeli captive soldier held in the Gaza Strip.

Abu Jamal, the military spokesman of the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, stressed in this audio statement that a group of Israeli special forces intended to free an Israeli captive soldier from the captivity of these Palestinian fighters, which resulted in a clash between the two sides and after the failure of their operation, Israeli fighter jets bombed the place, where this captive was held, and caused the death of the soldier.

The spokesman went on to say that the Israeli commandos fled after the failure of their operation and left a stretcher behind. Also in this operation, a laptop, several flash drives and other devices were seized from the special forces of the Israeli army by the fighters of the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades. The corpse of this Israeli soldier is in the hands of the fighters of these brigades, while no details of his name and personal information have been published yet.

An screenshot from the video of Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades on failed Israeli army attempt to free its prisoner from the Gaza Strip
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