IRGC Released Footage Of Strikes On Jaish ul-Adl Terrorists

ISWNews Analysis Group
Author:ISWNews Analysis Group
Saturday 20 January 2024 - 17:37

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) released images of monitoring and attacking the headquarters of the Jaish al-Adl terrorists in the border areas of Pakistan.

This video was broadcast as a TV report by the official media of Iran and made available to the public.

In this report, the IRGC drone is shown monitoring the headquarters of Jaish ul-Adl terrorists in the mountainous region near the Iran-Pakistan border. The base is one of the main headquarters of the Jaish ul-Adl terrorist group in Pakistani territory. As it is clear in the images, they show different parts of the base, observation hills, armed individuals stationed there, and a training ground for terrorist training and shooting exercise. The terrorist base is located deep in the mountains and valleys of the Kouh-Sabz (Green Mountain), making ground access difficult.

According to IRGC data, terrorists have been using this headquarters for training and planning terrorist operations inside Iranian territory for two decades. Recently, about 50 terrorists entered this headquarters for planning, coordination, and preparation for a large terrorist operation inside Iran. Three days ago (on January 16), they were targeted by Iranian drone and missile attacks, thwarting their evil intentions and resulting in the killing and injury of some terrorists.

Monitoring of Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist headquarters in Pakistan’s Sabz Mountain

The release of this video once again proves the accuracy of Iran’s claim regarding the existence of Jaish ul-Adl terrorist bases in border areas in western Pakistan. Iran had repeatedly informed the friendly and brotherly country, Pakistan, about these bases and had urged them to take action against these terrorist bases by providing information about them to the Pakistani government and army. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the Pakistani government and army refrained from destroying these bases or taking effective action against Jaish ul-Adl terrorists. Therefore, to prevent new terrorist disasters in Iranian territory, Iran was forced to intensify its targeting of the terrorists’ base in the Kouh-Sabz, which was not welcomed by the Pakistani government.

Read more: Iran’s IRGC Targets Another Terrorist Group, This Time In Pakistan!

On the other hand, however, the Pakistani government, in order to escape intense public pressure and scorn by its Indian rivals, was forced to carry out a retaliatory operation; but against whom? Against some Pakistani migrants who had turned into a tragic disaster, resulting in the loss of lives of women and children.
However, Pakistan claimed that it has targeted the headquarters and hideouts of the Balochistan Liberation Army-Balochistan Liberation Front (BLA – BLF) in Iranian territory. Some Pakistani media outlets have gone so far as to make a strange claim that Iran is harboring terrorists from BLA-BLF! This claim is being made while the government and army of Pakistan can never find a terrorist base in Iran like the one in the Kouh-Sabz of Pakistan and publish its videos, or release images to prove their claim!

Read more: Pakistan’ Army Conducts Airstrikes On Iran Border Areas

Once again, we refer you to the statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the recent events of the past few days, as well as Friday’s phone conversation between the Iranian foreign minister and his Pakistani counterpart. Iran, before and after the attack, even after Pakistan’s attack on Iranian soil, addressed Pakistan in a friendly and brotherly tone, but strongly reminded them of their previous security commitments and urged them to act in line with them.

As we have said before, Pakistani brothers should not interpret the friendly and brotherly tone in Iranian officials’ statements as a sign of weakness. Iran still emphasizes brotherliness and friendship with the Pakistani people and the preservation of the territorial integrity of this country, but it will not hesitate in facing terrorists and protecting Iranians’ lives. If the security shortcomings of the friendly and brotherly Pakistani government do not turn into active and effective cooperation, Iran will not hesitate to carry out such preemptive operations again in the future.

On Friday, Iran FM Hossein Amirabdollahian also emphasized the serious pursuit of security and military cooperation between the two countries in a phone conversation with Jalil Abbas Jilani. For his part, Jilani emphasized the common approach of the two nations in combating terrorism and stressed the necessity of maintaining constructive and fraternal relations with Tehran, inviting Amirabdollahian to visit Islamabad.

Therefore, it is now possible to hope for a joint security plan between the two countries in border areas of Pakistan and Iran, and perhaps now is the time for Pakistan to seriously consider its fight against terrorist groups in the west of the neighboring country.

The video of the TV report that was broadcasted by the official media of Iran. With English subtitles.
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