Will Rafah City Witness Extensive Israeli Incursion?

 ISWNews Analysis Group
Author: ISWNews Analysis Group
Tuesday 20 February 2024 - 17:44

In recent days, the issue of the extensive attack by the Israeli regime’s army on Rafah city of the Gaza Strip and the related comments have become a hot topic in regional and international media outlets, raising the question of whether the Israeli army will initiate extensive operations against the Palestinian city.

Recent statements by Israeli officials about a widespread attack on Rafah have drawn reactions from human rights organizations and countries within the international community. These statements were made while this region is hosting over one and a half million Palestinian refugees from the northern and central areas of the Gaza Strip.

After the Israeli regime’s plan to attack Rafah strengthened in recent days, the quality of Hezbollah’s attacks increased compared to its strikes in recent weeks. In addition to Lebanon’s Hezbollah, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq also carried out a new drone attack against Israeli military positions in the occupied Golan Heights after several days of cessation of strikes.

Given these actions, it seems that the plan for escalating battles in northern occupied Palestine and putting the Israeli officials in a state of uncertainty and anticipation, the Iraqi resistance’s attack on the occupied Golan, anti-Zionist operations in Kiryat Malakhi, and the direct operations of the Yemeni army against US and UK ships in the Red Sea are part of a warning from the resistance axis towards aggression against Rafah. The potential all-out Israeli attack on Rafah will also elevate the level of actions by members of the resistance axis.

The plan for an extensive attack on Rafah city was met with strong opposition from Israeli settlers until the release of two Israeli captives by the regime’s military somewhat shifted the balance in favor of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This action to some extent reduced pressures on his cabinet regarding the achievements of the ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

The release of prisoners provided Netanyahu and his allies with the opportunity to present Rafah as a key to achieving their goals by justifying the continuation of war and using it as a pressure tool on some members of Israel’s war cabinet, especially Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz. Furthermore, after the release of Israeli captives in Rafah city, unity within the regime’s war cabinet increased for an attack on Rafah to some extent.

Analyses indicate that the Israeli regime is buying time to prepare for an extensive attack on Rafah city, and if the regime carries out the project, considering the presence of a large number of Palestinian refugees, it will lead to a major humanitarian disaster. Taking these factors into account and overall assessments, it is necessary for the resistance axis to increase the quality and quantity of attacks against the Israeli regime with the aim of exerting pressure on Netanyahu’s cabinet so that these attacks have an impact on the decision-making process and future strategies of this regime regarding extensive strikes on Rafah city.

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