Seyyed Al-Houthi: Israel Is A Threat To World Security And Peace!

Thursday 9 May 2024 - 18:28

Seyyed Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi, the leader of the Ansar Allah Movement and the Yemeni Revolution, gave a speech about the latest situation in Palestine and developments in the region.

An excerpt from the words of Seyyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement:

➖ Israel’s occupation of the Rafah crossing not only targets the Palestinian people, but is also an action against the people and the Egyptian army. This invasion is a security challenge for Egypt and is a provocation and humiliation for Arabs and Muslims.

➖ When the Americans say that they agree to carry out operations in Rafah on the condition that civilians are evacuated, they signal to Israel to occupy the Rafah crossing. They clearly encouraged Israel to occupy Rafah and provided large shipments to the Israeli enemy, so they are complicit in this crime.

➖ The purpose of this aggression is to double the suffering, siege and hunger of the Palestinian people. Rafah is not a military front, but a civilian area, and its capture does not bring any military gains for the enemy.

➖ Arabs and Muslims are obliged to take more measures in response to the attack on Rafah. They should not be spectators of this situation. Egypt should be at the forefront of this movement and take a firm stand against the attack of the Israeli enemy on Rafah.

➖ Arab countries have many political, diplomatic and economic options to respond to this action.

➖ (Addressing the rulers of Arab countries) If you do not dare to act against Israel, let the people answer them. Issuing your statement does not eliminate any risk. Accepting defeat and your passivity will not help you against the enemy.

➖ The hatred of the Zionists towards the Arabs and Muslims starts from the education of their children and affects their mental state as a complex.

➖ America only considers its own interests and Arabs or Muslims have no value for it.

➖ It is dangerous for a human being to witness the injustices that are happening in Gaza and not take any action, not show any reaction and not feel responsible. Those who put self-interest first will be worse off when their turn comes.

➖ Education and faith is what prepares people to face risks. Everyone should move to get rid of Zionist influence.

➖ We admire the student movement in different countries including America and Europe because it is a human voice that expresses their nature.

➖ We were hoping to see student gatherings in Arab countries in support of Palestine, but unfortunately students and people in many Arab countries are limited. This silence is not worthy of Muslims.

➖ In the West, insulting God and insulting God’s prophets is not a problem, but criticizing Jews is forbidden, and even asking for an end to the killing of children in Gaza is forbidden!

➖ Political and media support of the Islamic world is important for the student movement.

➖ We praise Türkiye’s action to limit trade relations with the Israeli enemy. We hope that this step of Türkiye will lead to the complete termination of trade relations. We hope that other Arab countries that have business relations with Israel will follow the example of Turkey, and we hope that the embargo on the goods of American and Israeli companies will also expand.

➖ Targeted ships reached 112 ships and 10 operations were carried out this week with ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and suicide drones. In the month of Shawwal, 25 operations were carried out with 71 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones.

➖ From now on, we are also thinking about the fifth and sixth stages of escalation and we are considering more important and sensitive options for the enemies. There are no red lines for our operations. Two things are important to us when conducting operations: legal and ethical controls, and the level of our capabilities. According to our abilities, we seek to achieve bigger goals.

➖ Israel is the enemy of our nation and is a danger and threat to world security and peace. This enemy only understands the language of force and the Islamic Ummah should pay attention to the power of deterrence.

➖ If every Arab and Islamic country took a proper position and cooperated with each other, the current situation would not have happened.

➖ We admire the position of the countries that did not agree to the US attacking Yemen from their soil. Arab countries deserve freedom and we hope they will be free.

➖ I ask our people to start a million march tomorrow and tell the Palestinian people in Gaza and Rafah and all over Palestine: “You are not alone and we are with you until victory.”

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