Hamas Representative Assassinated In Eastern Lebanon (Video)

Sunday 19 May 2024 - 07:36

In an attack by the Israeli army’s combat drones in the border area of El-Masnaa in eastern Lebanon, Sharhabeel Al-Sayyid, known as Abu Amro, a representative of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas in Lebanon, was martyred.

This terrorist attack occurred on May 17, which was carried out by Israeli combat drones and he lost his life as a result of the impact of three missiles on the vehicle carrying this representative.

The Izz al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, military wing of Hamas, also issued a statement expressing condolences for the martyrdom of Abu Amr, describing him as one of the mujahid commanders of Al-Qassam.

The Israeli regime’s army had previously carried out various assassination operations on Lebanese soil against senior members of the Palestinian resistance. This action is in line with the Israeli regime’s security and intelligence objectives to stop or weaken the resistance axis’s support for Palestinian movements.

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