Egyptian Soldier Killed In Border Clash With Israeli Military Forces

Monday 27 May 2024 - 19:45

An Egyptian border guard has been killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli military forces at the Rafah crossing on Egypt’s border with the Gaza Strip on Monday.

According to reports from Israeli media outlets, some Egyptian army soldiers at the Rafah border crossing opened fire at Israeli military personnel.

The Israeli military also responded by firing warning shots towards the Egyptians.

In the initial local media reports, it was mentioned that the confrontation came to an end following the intervention of border officials from both sides.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that during the confrontation between Israeli and Egyptian military personnel at this border crossing, two Egyptian soldiers were injured, one of them succumbed to the injuries.

Some Israeli media outlets have also reported that the regime’s soldiers were also wounded, but the exact details of their casualties are not yet available.

According to the independent English-language Egyptian newspaper, Daily News Egypt, unnamed sources stated that Egyptian soldiers were “affected” by the Rafah massacre that occurred on Sunday, when an Israeli bombing led to the killing of 45 Palestinians at a displacement camp.

The Rafah border crossing has been seized by Israeli military forces since May 7 as the regime’s forces expanded ground invasion of Gaza into the southern city.

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