Israeli Soldiers Killed In West Bank, Gaza Strip Operations

Thursday 30 May 2024 - 12:59

In an admission, the Israeli regime’s army has confirmed the deaths of three of its soldiers in separate incidents in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

According to the Israeli army’s statement, two of its soldiers were killed last night in an anti-Zionist operation by a Palestinian in the Ourta checkpoint area, southeast of Nablus in the West Bank. The army claimed the soldiers were killed during anti-Zionist car-ramming operation by a Palestinian in that checkpoint.

In a second incident, another Israeli trooper was killed during clashes with Palestinian resistance groups in the besieged Gaza Strip. The army provided few details about the circumstances of this soldier’s death.

The deaths of these three Israeli troopers mark a significant increase in the military casualties sustained by Israel since the start of its latest ground invasion of Gaza in mid-May.

The Israeli army now claims that 292 of its soldiers have been killed since the ground offensive began. This figure represents a dramatic rise from the previous toll of 264 Israeli military deaths acknowledged just days ago.

Furthermore, the total number of military casualties claimed by the Israeli regime has reached 642 since the beginning of the current round of confrontations with Palestinian groups. This statistic, provided by the Israeli military, has not been independently verified.

However, some Israeli experts believe that the real number of Israeli military casualties are much more than the announced figure. They mentioned that the number of casualties of Israeli officers, soldiers and reservists stands at over 3,000.

The admission of these latest deaths comes as Israel faces growing international criticism over the high civilian death toll resulting from its bombardment of the densely populated Gaza Strip.

Read more: Gaza Declared ‘Famine-Stricken’ As Israeli Assault Wreak Havoc

The Israeli cabinet has defended the military’s actions, claiming they are necessary to combat Palestinian rocket fire and destroy the network of cross-border tunnels used by resistance fighters.

The Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip has left at least 36,171 Palestinians killed and 81,420 others wounded since October 7.

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